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The MBA that gives you ROI from the first minute

I was probably 5 years old when I had the first moment of evaluating ROI on my time: I had

to decide if I wanted to play outside with my friends or watch cartoons. I vividly remember weighing the options and trying to decipher what will bring me more value, aka fun and pleasure, for a 5-year-old.

By the time I was 20, I was a time investment nerd, assessing in a matter of seconds ROT (Return On Time) for every activity. I started doing it unconsciously, and it became my North Star in navigating the world.

Fast-forward to April 2020, my friend, Cara, sent me a text: “You always know about cool stuff on the internet, have you heard about ThePowerMBA?“. I confess I had not heard about it but became instantly curious. Two hours later, I was hooked. This is a good ROT activity, I’m in!

I enrolled in their first global class and from that point on, the programme has delivered and over delivered. Imagine experiencing top-notch learning from experts in the industry, at an affordable price. What more could you want? The promise was: 15 minutes of learning, each day, for a year. I’d wake up excited every day and while brushing my teeth with one hand, I’d hit the refresh button on my browser with the other, hoping my next lesson would already be available to watch.

One of the things I love about the programme is how practical the content is. You learn from people who actually did the work, walked the talk and came out successful on the other side. It gives you a very actionable business blueprint, eliminating any excuses for you not to go ahead and implement it.

My latest favourite example is from the Entrepreneurship module, which features Florian Eberhart, an entrepreneur from Berlin, who walks you step by step on how he started his business, Start Your Sales. He walks you through how he built his expertise, identified his niche and scaled his service.

How will I use this information? Well, part of the services I offer includes coaching for SaaS businesses wanting to invest in their Customer Success/Account Management leadership teams. After 9 years of doing this in the start-up and corporate world, I now know I can help companies decrease customer churn and increase customer upsells. But how do I go about it? Well, let’s take it from Florian: the first step in getting customers is doing the job for them. Help your customers understand the value you could offer by actually doing the work for them.

So here it goes: if you’re a Customer Success/Account Management leader in a SaaS business looking to elevate your team’s performance, get in touch. I know I can help.

Key takeaways:

  • Get yourself friends who share the same passion for learning as you do

  • Check out ThePowerMBA programme, you will not regret it

  • If you want to find out how to retain and grow your customers, give me a call

Happy Monday, everyone!

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